No Other MV

Sunday, April 19, 2009


i woke up this morning, took shower, went to kitchen to make some coffee.....

then my roomies told me, "mira, u realize that u drink a lot of coffee lately, like, morning coffee, afernoon coffee, evening coffee, night coffee....... u took breakfast with coffee, and even lunch and dinner with cofffee..."

my answer, " its like routine u know, not that i want to......."

she just smiled after that. then i realized, ever since this study maniac started, i took more coffee than i had before. too much caffein in my system. but then, it always like that, even when i'm at my office. the first thing i do when arrived at the office, i make myself coffee. i hv to start my day with coffee. it like a energy boosting. sort of.....

as now, i studying while drinking coffee..... :D



Super Junior Fighting!!!!