No Other MV

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm not that kind of girl that worried way too much about body weight. not saying that i have strong metabolism or i don't eat. i'm the kind of person that teribbly moody and crabbier if i don't get to eat (just like a baby), though i'm lot better now. 

back to the bady weight.... i don't really care about weight just because my body never really change much since 7 years ago. of course, there are changes but not really significant. i'm not fat or chubby or slim and slender. i'm just average. my weight ranging from 48 - 51 kg. last time i weighed was last month and it was 50 kg and now, i think it probably increased. i can feel that my body heavier and the most significant prove is the white jeans is no longer fit. last monday, i tried on my green shirt that usually a bit loose to me and now, it still fit but u can see all the curve and i have difficulty with few buttons. well, that was the call.....

i have decided to go on diet but not a strict diet.  no more eating after 7pm except for fruits or something lighter. breakfast must be taken every morning. i also decided to exercise (rolling my eyes while writing this) or running in the evening. not really sure of that since i'm reallyyyy not into exercise. but i'm going to try this week. hopefully....


hazreen said...

Diet? really? are u serius...and exercise as well?..hard to believe..but, if u think u can do that, good luck...hehehe. I'm full support..;))

MiRa^^ said...

hahahaha....i'm trying here...!!!
really need all the support!!!

Anonymous said...

all the best girl!
my advice is to make your exercise routine fun and once you start you'll get addicted to it just like how it was for me =)

MiRa^^ said...

hopefully i'll get addicted...
really need to lose few pounds...!!!


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