No Other MV

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

assignment POBPL

Aku baru sampai opis dalam kul 2 tadi. Aku sbenarnye cuti hari ni tapi sebab tak nak membazir cuti, aku decide utk masuk keje petang. Stay kat umah pun bukan ade ape pn, bosan je lebih. So cuti yang lagi half day tu leh la aku simpan untuk Jumaat petang ni....Plan nya nak gi JPS (Jabatan Pengairan dan Saliran) untuk amik data sungai Johor but then sebab xde transport terpaksa cancel. Nasib baik Dayah free Jumaat petang ni, so pegi ngan die ah....

Ni pun ngah risau psal assignment Prof Aga yang psal POPBL. Luckily presentation that suppose to be today being postponed next week. Lucky us, since we don't hv enough materials and also buy us some time to get other info. Still we need to work with what we have. I'm trying to get some info from DOE Johor and also NGOs. My nephew who studying in UTM Skudai helped me get the result from some student's final projects on the Johor river. My group member, CJ will draft the presentation and I'll finalize the slide presentation. Harap-harap ape yg kami ade cukup untuk presentation progess project, kalau tak memang teruk kena bambu ngan Prof Aga....Huhuhuhu......



Super Junior Fighting!!!!