No Other MV

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

aku xukup x puas hati ngan diri sendiri after wat presentation, rase mcm let me group down w/pun marks were given individually...
bad news, one week due to submit our report..... T___________T!!!

kena bertungkus-lumus siapkan report!!!
Kak ina & Lyana, jom kite together2 siapkan report ni!!!! Huhuhuhu

camne nk buat kalu lecturer klas teramat / obvious biased terhadap junior in the same class...???!!!!
tak puas hati??? of coz la!!!! w/pun aku x wat presentation ngan bagus tp content slide kami bagus berbanding jr. yg ntah hape2 tu.....bukan suma la tp ade certain group yg aku menyampah gile....!!!
yg leganya, klas dh abih for this sem... so x yah nk ngadap muka bebudak tu...



Super Junior Fighting!!!!